Monday, March 7, 2011

Single annoyances

I am convinced that there is nothing more annoying than waiting for the person you are pining after to contact you in some way. It's like a form of torture. I've never had to deal with anything that is actually defined as torture, but I'm fairly sure that if you want to get information from an enemy all you need to do is let them contact a crush a few times, then sit back and watch them lose their mind while waiting a week or more for the other person to contact them. They'd crack like an egg in a beater.
It's not even about seeing the object of your affection; you just want them to seek you out in some way. A phone call, email, anything on facebook, it doesn't matter how they communicate or what they say - you just need some indication that they think of you at all.
I think it would be easier if I knew anything about how flirtation and interest works. I am completely unable to tell on my own if a man is interested in me, and will therefore ask my friends what they think. Being my friends, they often tell me that the man is probably interested...which hasn't been the case for more years than I care to admit in a public venue. The best friendly advice I probably ever had was to sit back and just let happen what will, which would work if I were patient. As it is, I have declared my infatuation, "strong feelings", and even love to men who had absolutely no romantic interest in me whatsoever. A person can only do that so many times until you get so gun shy that you become a vegan pacifist who wants guns outlawed.
Though it has only been a little over a week, I am teetering on the edge of once more laying my pride on the line, taking the initiative, and letting the man know how I feel. My plan is to say something along the lines of, "If you ever wanted to ask me out on a date, I wouldn't be opposed to it. I'm cool if you don't though, because I like to be your friend and would most of all like that to continue." It would probably come out very awkward and with about a hundred words added to it, but I would definately get my point across in a somewhat acceptable manner. The thing keeping me in check is the hope that I can get over it on my own so that I don't hurt the friendship, but it doesn't seem to be working very well. Maybe his lack of seeking me out is a passive way of showing he isn't interested. Maybe he's just not interested. It's just so fucking annoying to not know for certain.
Please, someone, let me know that you find this annoying as well; I need some empathy for what is eerily close to teenage angst.

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