I was going to check the last date that I blogged so that I could say exactly how long it has been, but I forgot and decided not to go back. I do know that I have been off of here for a while. It was for good reason; I got a job and have been pretty busy with that. Also, I found a school I decided to apply for and have been filling out the necessary paperwork and going to the appointments. As far as making some plans for the future, I'm doing fairly well.
However, with the good comes a little bit of the bad. My current work schedule required that I miss the appointment I had with my new therapist as well as my psychiatrist. These aren't good things, especially seeing as my psychiatrist keeps me medicated. Yet, I think I miss the therapy more.
I actually enjoy therapy in a strange way. I admit that I don't always like the emotions that come up during sessions, but I like learning ways to deal with my specific issues. I have behaviors that I need to change, and I am more than aware of the fact that pills don't change behaviors.
So I'm thinking about being my own therapist in the interim. I know that you aren't supposed to self medicate, but I haven't heard anything about not teaching yourself how to change your behaviors. I have some tools that I can use, including handouts and a binder from my former therapist containing different coping skills and ways to name and deal with different emotions. I could work on those during the time that I am waiting to get an appointment.
I am also depending a lot on my best friend, the before mentioned PLP, to help me talk things out and remember to use certain skills. She's doing a good job, but I don't want this dependence on her to go on for too long and find her burnt out. Therefore, I am going to need to spread out the talk and do things with people who aren't her. I'm not talking about cutting her out of my life (I know you read this PLP) and I will still spend a large amount of time with her...but I don't think it's the best idea to put all my crazy in one basket.
So that's my plan for now, and we'll see how it works. Hopefully I will fit blogging into my new schedule better, as I have had tons of ideas for different things to write about with new experiences coming my way. Stay tuned...I promise for more to come.
...I might be far but I am hear with an ear. Word.