Monday, January 24, 2011

Getting motivated

Today my anxiety is attempting to get the best of me. I don't want to leave the house, I don't want to get ready to leave the house; I just want to hang around my house and maybe clean something if I get the hankering to. Is this an option today? No. It is not.
I have to leave my house today for multiple reasons. One of the biggest reasons is that I have to go fill out paperwork for my new job, a job I am excited for and terrified of at the same time.
It started last night; my brain began thinking about what could go wrong over and over again. Different scenarios went through my head; I went to the place without pants on, I went to the wrong place, I got there and they had no record of who I was or what I was doing there, etc. In addition to these thoughts were the thoughts of me doing something wrong. It was to the point that I actually had a nightmare about not being able to stop talking. I just kept saying these intesely personal things, and no matter how bad I wanted to stop it, I couldn't.
My morning did not go much better. I kept looking for excuses to not get ready. It helped that I had stayed at the PLP's house (PLP will now stand for platonic life partner). There was plenty to do. I did her dishes, switched her laundry, took multiple breaks to sit with the dogs, and told myself I had an enormous about of time before I had to leave. Sadly, the biggest inner push to leave came when I realised there were no more cigarettes. (For the record, I know I shouldn't be smoking and that it's bad for me, and am also aware that other people are supporting this terrible habit. However, I have no doubt about my ability to quit.)
So now we get down to business. How am I going to motivate myself? First, I am going to get up off this chair by reminding myself that I can write in my blog about actually doing something. I will then get a CD that gets me going (probably some OK GO or some Sia) and blast it while getting ready. Then I will do one of my grounding techniques that my therapist taught me before leaving the house.
Today is about to become my bitch.

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