I had quite the social weekend. It was awesome, but now I am sitting here in my apartment wishing I had another body in the room; a live human body. I would lay in bed and read, but these crafty buggers have staked their territory.
I am again reading a book that I got long ago and really had an effect on me. The book is "Blue Like Jazz" by Donald Miller. If you've never read it, I highly recommend it. A friend of mine that I had been bugging to read it for a while has finally started reading it and liking it. I take this as proof that 60% of the time, I'm right every time.
Back to wanting some human company. I don't feel like I can't call people or anything right now, but I do think it's too late to invite anyone over. If I had a teapot, I would probably invite people anyway, but alas all I have is a mesh strainer for use in cups. To make more than one cup can be sort of time consuming. Oh, and I have my comfy pants on, so I'd have to change.
I think I need to start planning things to do with others in the evenings. This will mean acting responsible and keeping my word on when and where I can or cannot be; I do think I am up to the challenge.
Quick note of the day from the day treatment I attend - my favorite person has crazy old prospector teeth. I can't think of what cartoon character he reminds me of, and it's driving me crazy. Though he looks this way, I have made him the person I sit by at the table. He's got a lot of pain, but despite the teeth, it's awesome to see him smile.
Bwahahahaha. A cat post! Huzzah!
ReplyDeletecaaaaaaaaaaats have stolen your beeeeeeeeeeeed. The black one lookes EVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL.
ReplyDeletek, thats all.