Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Ok readers of this blog, I need some feedback here. I wrote my first poem in a very long time today, but I feel like there is something off about it. I think the meter doesn't sound quite right or something. So please critique away and give me some constructive critisism.

She wears her sin like a letter on her chest,
She can't out run,
She can't hide.
Every pain she feels is written on her face,
She can't reverse,
She can't erase.

Only a fool could believe she is worthless.
Only a fool could miss the beauty of the clay.
Only a fool could believe she is worthless.
Only a fool would shake their head and look away.

She was told she had a gift she could give of herself,
She can shine,
She can speak.
No one could compare to the passion in her soul,
She is wise,
She survives.

Say what you will about her style,
She has grace.
Say what you will about her body,
It's a temporary place.
One day she will transform before your eyes;
Then the clay will match the soul inside.

1 comment:

  1. Why did you take it down? I read it yesterday but was online on my phone and didn't have chance to comment on it but I wanted to!
