Friday, April 22, 2011

I want to be asleep...

Before I start into my subject, I feel it should be known that I am really tired, and therefore may not make a whole lot of sense. I might though, so here goes.

I met with one of my social worker people today (apparently I have three now), and I am starting to feel hope that I will be able to get some aid to pay those pesky bills like rent and phone. While I think this is great, I can't get the voice of the perfectionist out of my head; the voice that demands I be able to do this on my own. I tried telling it out loud to shut the hell up, but then felt that it would come too close to talking to people who aren't there, so I stopped.

What didn't help today was that my fibromyalgia decided to attack my body with pain, and I missed day programming. I wish I would have been there today. Had I been there, I would not have been home to hear my sister tell me that once our lease is up I need to find a different living situation because she doesn't want to live with me. It's a really great thing to hear your younger sister say that to you; great if you also like your heart pulled out of your chest, set on fire, then stomped on. She said I had better be looking for ways to make the move to Oregon happen.

Now this is where we get some meat on the bones. Do I want to move to Oregon? I don't know yet. It has been on my mind since the offer was given, but I don't want to act impulsively, and I most definitely want it to be my own decision, not someone else's. I am trying to get my life on a somewhat steady footing, and it would be a bit of extra work to move states. That being said, I love Oregon, and I love who I would be living with. However, with my sister making it sound like a demand, it sheds a whole new light on the situation.

There is a deep desire for me to now run away. To get away from the bills that I can't pay, the sister who is stressed out over me, and be somewhere where a walk is an inspiring thing.

So tonight - or rather, this morning - my head is going 60 miles a minute as I try to think this whole thing out. The more I think, the more I just want to go somewhere and talk to someone, which isn't easy to do at 1:33am. Perhaps I will make an effort to reach out tomorrow. It's the start of Easter weekend, which makes me think of love and sacrifice; two things I feel I am in need of.


  1. Hey Hey... deep breathes and counting peeps in your head or something else relaxing.

  2. I will comment more tomorrow, but I'm still up if you want to talk. My number is posted on facebook... and if you don't have day programming tomorrow, or even if you do, text me or call me and we can get together (if you want, but it sounds like you need to get out!)
